ClayLAB is held in the studio of
Suzanne Long, Ceramic Sculptor
Vallejo CA
• Offering six week classes in hand building in clay.
• Team Building Workshops are available for groups of six participants.
Narrative Totems
Six sessions Join anytime!
Daytime: 10:00-1:00pm
Evening: 6:00-9:00pm
Instructor: Suzanne Long
Open to all skill levels (18yrs and older)
Class Description: In this 6 week hand building class I will help you develop a personal narrative in clay using the form of a totem. We will add each section of the personal totem as a free standing sculpture that interlocks with the pieces above and below, revealing the story as we go. We will discuss person symbolism, storytelling and how best to execute those elements in clay. I will work with you individually to support you in developing your personal narrative. I will present demos of coil building, glazing with Under Glazes, and stacking the pieces of you totem.
Tools, clay, glazes and firing are provided
• To enroll or for more information contact me at:
Please indicate if you are interested in the daytime or evening class.
Cultural Acknowledgement:
Totem poles are monuments created by First Nations of the Pacific Northwest to represent and commemorate ancestry, histories, people, or events. Totem poles are typically created out of red cedar, a malleable wood relatively abundant in the Pacific Northwest, and would be erected to be visible within a community.
Daytime: 10:00-2:00pm
Evening: 6:00-9:00pm
Six sessions Join anytime!
Instructor: Suzanne Long
Open to all skill levels (18yrs and older)
Class Description: In this 6 week hand building
ClayLAB is a hand building workshop open to all skill levels. The instruction is individualized and tailored to each students skill and comfort level. There will be ongoing demos in hand building techniques, using coils, slabs, and pinch pots. We will explore surface
techniques and glazing.
The goal of ClayLAB is to assist and inspire you to rediscover your inner artist, specifically the one who got their hands dirty, the one who found joy in exploration.
ClayLAB is a small intimate and supportive learning environment with a maximum of six students per class.
Tools, clay, glazes and firing are provided
• To enroll or for more information contact me at:
Please indicate if you are interested in the daytime or evening class.
649 Main Street, St. Helena CA, 94574
Thursday January 9, 16, 23 & 30 6:00-9:00pm
Instructor: Suzanne Long
Let’s start with the definition of the word: sgraffito (Italian: [zɡrafˈfiː- to]; pl. sgraffiti) is a technique of wall decor, produced by applying layers of plaster tinted in contrasting colors to a moistened surface, or in pottery, by applying to an unfired ceramic body successive layers of contrasting slip or glaze, and then scratching into the surface so as to reveal parts of the underlying layer. In this Sgraffito Workshop students will work with clay slab, and our instructor will discuss composition and layout, blocking, layout color fields and underglazes. While slabs are drying our instructor will demonstrate various sgraffito techniques. You will also learn how to transfer an image as a guide to follow in scratching through the underglaze to the clay body. Sgraffito can be both illustrative and decorative, no drawing skills are required. $395
to register:
Narrative Ceramic Totems Workshop
Thursday February 6, 13, 20 & 27 6:00-9:00pm
Instructor: Suzanne Long
In this 4 -Session hand building class students will develop a personal narrative in clay using the form of a totem. We will add each section of the personal totem to create a free-standing interlocking sculpture, revealing your story as you go. We will discuss personalsymbolism, storytelling, and how best to execute those elements in clay. There will be weekly demonstrations of coil building, glazing with under glazes, and stacking the pieces of your totem. $395
Cultural Acknowledgement:
Totem poles are monuments created by First Nations of the Pacific Northwest to represent and commemorate ancestry, histories, people, or events. Totem poles are typically created out of red cedar, a malleable wood relatively abundant in the Pacific Northwest, and would be erected to be visible within a community. Most totem poles display beings, or crest animals, marking a family’s lineage and validating the powerful rights and privileges that the family held. Totem poles would not necessarily tell a story so much as it would serve to document stories and histories familiar to community members or family or clan members.
to register:
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